My year in Slovakia

My photo
now located in Hybe, Liptovsky Mikulas, Slovakia
YAGM is a program from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) that gives young adults the opportunity to be in global mission. There are about 45 active missionaries from YAGM spread out all over the world - sharing experiences that foster the development of leadership, present cross-culture skill building, and ultimately bring forth young adults that are "globally formed and globally informed". I am very excited to be joining this program for a one year experience in Slovakia. I anticipate being of service but also growing in my faith and personal identity.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Learn Slovak!

Since our scheduled appointments for the intense language class have been postponed until October, Christina and I have had a lot of time in Bratislava to begin building our vocabulary. We are going to try to teach ourselves by learning new sets of words in our evening computer "study sessions" and then use them as much as possible the next day.

Yes, we are very, very basic right now...and in fact we're learning by way of a new favorite game: Phase 10. Thank goodness my LCM pals taught me how to play last year, because it's definitely becoming the basis for my colors and counting!!

Here's the crash course:
1 - jeden [ye-den]
2 - dva [dva]
3 - tri [tri]
4 - štyri [shti - ri]
5 - päť [petj]
6 - šesť [shestj]
7 - sedem [se - djem]
8 - osem [o - sem]
9 - deväť [dje - vetj]
10 - desať [dje - satj]
11 - jedenásť [yede-na : stj]
12 - dvanásť [dva - na : stj]

black - čierny [tchier - na]
blue - modrý [mod - ra]
green - zelený [ze - le - na]
orange - oranžový [o - ran - zho - va]
pink - ružový [ru - zho - va]
red - červený [tcher - ve - na]
white - biely [bie - la]
yellow - žltý [zhl - ta]

Nata took Christina and me to her family's home for coffee break today. Her mother and niece were our other hostesses...and you would not believe how hospitable they were. Mrs. Hovorkova is a retired first grade teacher, so she was also able to help us learn new words and phrases. Our time together flew, but I really enjoyed a since of home and love...what wonderful ladies!


RudyM said...

Dobry den Sarah,

During my week in the neighboring Czech Republic this summer, I got by with only 3 phrases as follows:
"Prominte prosim. Ne mliuvim Cesky. Rozumim Anglitsky?"
You can probably translate this by now, unless my inability to type superscripts over the vowels throws you off. It reads "Excuse me please. I don't speak Czech. Do you understand English?" Unless the answer was "Ano" (yes), I was immediately reduced to sign language. I am sure you are already beyond this.

You may have heard we had a good LCM cookout last Sunday, with about 12 students in attendance, including 3 newbies. I think Matt Caniff-Kuhn (your replacement) was pleased ... we are indebted to you for your contributions to this program as well as many others.

I'm enjoying the BLOG .. what a great way to stay in touch!

Best regards, best of luck, and prayers for your service,

Rudy Matzner

RudyM said...

Whoops ... bad grammar. Do you speak English is "Rozumite Anglitsky?"

Unknown said...

Love some Phase 10! My team played that all last year.