My year in Slovakia

My photo
now located in Hybe, Liptovsky Mikulas, Slovakia
YAGM is a program from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) that gives young adults the opportunity to be in global mission. There are about 45 active missionaries from YAGM spread out all over the world - sharing experiences that foster the development of leadership, present cross-culture skill building, and ultimately bring forth young adults that are "globally formed and globally informed". I am very excited to be joining this program for a one year experience in Slovakia. I anticipate being of service but also growing in my faith and personal identity.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Missionary for a Day October Supporters

Thanks again to everyone keeping me in the their thoughts and prayers.

Nelle Allen, Altman baby, Norma Brunson, Dick & Becky Campbell and family, Joe & Fran Fisher, Fitch family, Rial Fitch, David & Gale Gantt, Sophie Gardner, Norm & Susie Hanf, Arlene Henderson, Mary Jahnsen, Lilly Johnson, Jur family, Julie Kelsch, Betty Kinard, Rick & Myra Maull, Sidney & Lorice McMahon, Dr. Michael Mikola, Rus, Diane, & Josh Miller, Janice, Greg, & Will Pearce, Mary Prickett, Renken family, Bonnie Seabright, Singletary family, Madison Stelljes, Chip Sturgis & family, Rose Tillotson, WELCA, & WELCA Circle 8.

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