My year in Slovakia

My photo
now located in Hybe, Liptovsky Mikulas, Slovakia
YAGM is a program from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) that gives young adults the opportunity to be in global mission. There are about 45 active missionaries from YAGM spread out all over the world - sharing experiences that foster the development of leadership, present cross-culture skill building, and ultimately bring forth young adults that are "globally formed and globally informed". I am very excited to be joining this program for a one year experience in Slovakia. I anticipate being of service but also growing in my faith and personal identity.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Detský Spevokol

This past weekend the children and youth from our church (ECAV) in Hybe went on tour...traveling to the eastern part of Slovakia for a concert series. I believe Detský Spevokol (the children's choir) has been going about 3 years, and they are truly inspiring to hear. In three days this group traveled about 400 kilometers, giving 7 concerts in different churches and cultural houses throughout the east. What's the most exciting to me is how this group of energetic and talented youth is sharing their faith with total strangers.

In the four months I've been here in Slovakia, I have been trying to get an understanding of what the faith climate is like here. Mostly what I've heard is that it is incredibly difficult for the youth and children to share their faith at school or in clubs. It's not necessarily that these exchange would be prohibited, but it's more that the atmosphere in former-communist setting discourages them. I have heard from teachers, too, that they face uphill battles when they want to share their beliefs, even amongst their colleagues. I'm telling you all this just to paint a picture of where the youth are coming from...and how amazing I think they are for taking part in Detský Spevokol!
During the sixth concert of the weekend, I was really struck by the awesome ministry these youth are a part of. There was nothing particularly different about that concert than the others they had performed - the music was beautiful, well-performed, and inspiring. However, at one point I looked out at the audience and got goose-bumps at the notion Spevokol was opening their hearts and sharing ministry. The crowd was filled with young and old, and everyone was able to hear the youth perform, sing, and even give personal faith stories. I'm impressed and inspired, but also humbled by the teenagers who not only take part in this music ministry - but make it happen. ECAV's pastor is an energetic and hard-working man, but even he couldn't do everything alone. Seeing how the youth come together for planning, practicing, and performing warms my heart and also pushes me to be more open and enthusiastic about sharing my faith in everyday life.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the work you are doing with, through, and in Detský Spevokol. The many gifts you give each member are beautiful and humbling. Whether they are singing, dancing, playing an instrument, working the technical booth, or speaking, their every action glorifies you and your son. Thank you for their witness here in Hybe, through Slovakia, and in the world. Continue to embolden them and use them for your works.
I know you won't give up on the rest of us, either. As we listen to Detský Spevokol and support their ministry, please continue to work within our hearts. Give us courage to share our faith and also to receive your Spirit.

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